Traveo II Entry Family Starter Kit – Getting Started

About this document

Scope and purpose

This document explains how to setup and use Traveo™ II Body Entry Family Starter Kit. The document also explains how to debug with single core and dual core environment in IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (EWARM). The document uses the Traveo™ II Body Entry starter kit board with the Sample Driver Library (SDL).

Intended audience

This document is intended for software and hardware engineers integrating Traveo II Body Entry device into their application.

1 Getting started

This section explains the hardware set up. Table 1 lists the pre-requisites for the set up.

Table 1 Pre-requisites

Quantity Description Remarks
1 CYTVII-B-E-1M-SK Traveo II Body Entry Series Starter KIt
1 Micro USB cable For power and communication
1 PC With USB port
1 IAR EWARM 8.42.1 Downloaded from the web
1 Sample Driver Library v7.0,0 Downloaded from the web
- Firmware Pre-installed

1.1Connection setup

Connect the USB cable from the PC to the Starter kit. The Starter kit is powered by the PC via the USB cable (5 V). Check if the mode LED (LED3) and the power LED (LED2) are turned ON.

Figure 1 Connection between Pc and starter kit

1.2 Power up

When powered ON, the device will start executing the pre-installed firmware, which is indicated by the blinking user LEDs (LED1 is controlled by core Arm® Cortex®-M0+ (CM0+) and LED4 is controlled by core Cortex-M4 (CM4)).


To indicate that the starter kit is powered ON and the USB controller is starting in the correct mode, the amber colored status LED3 must be permanently ON. But, LED3 does not indicate a successful USB driver installation.

Figure 2 LED indicating power ON

1.3 Installing kit driver

To work with the Starter kit, the KitProg3 USB-UART driver must be installed on the system. For more details, see the Updating KitProg3 chapter in the KitProg3 user guide [1].

Confirm that the Starter kit is recognized as a KitProg3 device on Windows (open Device Manager, follow the menu path View > Devices by container) as shown in Figure 3. This completes the hardware setup.

Figure 3 Viewing KitProg3 driver in Device Manager


Do not press SW3. Pressing SW3 changes the mode of the USB controller. This is necessary only for upgrading the USB driver firmware and other activities. For more details, see the KitProg3 user guide [1].

For more information related to the Starter kit, see the Traveo II Starter Kit User Guide [2].

2 SDL and IAR EWARM setup

This section explains how to run an example from the SDL on the Traveo II Starter Kit using the IAR C-SPY debugger.

2.1 SDL environment setup

Download the latest SDL for the Traveo II Starter Kit on the target system. Install the SDL outside the default Program Files to allow the IDE to access and create temporary files. Figure 4 shows the sample path.

Figure 4SDL 7.0.0 top-level directory

2.2IAR EWARM setup

Open the Readme.pdf from the root folder of the SDL and use the same link to download the version of IAR EWARM supported by the SDL.

Download the software and run the installation (note that the installation might take some time). When you open the IAR EWARM for the first time, select the license in the License wizard. If you do not have the license, it is strongly recommended to register for Code size limited license type. See Figure 5.


IAR EWARM v8.42.1 is only for reference; always use the IAR EWARM version supported by the specific SDL release.

Figure 5SDL 7.0.0 top-level directory

2.3 Connection setup

There are two debugging methods with IAR EWARM:

  1. Debugging with code downloaded on to RAM
  2. Debugging with code downloaded on to the FLASH memory (described in this document)

SDL supports three types of workspaces under FLASH memory debugging as listed in Table 2.

Table 2 IAR Flash workspaces and functions

Workspace Application core Number of cores supported Details
Single core CM0+ workspace "tvii1bm_flash_cm0plus_template" No Single Single core download and debug for CM0+ core
Single core CM4 workspace "tvii1bm_flash_cm4_mc_template" Yes Single Single core download and debug for CM4 core; works as client/slave workspace in multicore configuration.


It is possible to debug only with CM4, when CM0+ executes some code, thus enabling CM4.

Dual core CM0+ and CM4 workspace "tvii1bm_flash_cm0plus_cm4_template" Yes Dual Dual core download and debug for CM0+ and CM4 core; works as master workspace in multicore configuration


Both CM0+ and CM4 can do normal code execution, but from an architectural point only CM4 is considered as the application core. After a reset, the default core is always the CM0+ core. To enable the CM4 core, CM0+ must call Cy_SysEnableApplCore (). In the SDL, this is usually done within main_cm0plus.c.

Before downloading and debugging with the multicore master project, you must build the multicore slave project for the application core (which is CM4 here)

Open the master workspace (dual core CM0+ and CM4 workspaces) for multicore debugging. The slave workspace (single core CM4 workspace) will automatically open from the master workspace when you click Download and Debug.

2.3.1Debugging with single core CM0+ workspace

  • 1. Start IAR EWARM and open the SDL template workspace file: tviibe1m\tools\iar\flash\tviibe1m_flash_cm0plus_template

    Figure 6Selecting CM0+ single core template

  • 2. Select the workspace revision starter_kit from drop-down list under Workspace, as shown in Figure 7.


    Ignore other workspace revisions for this Starter kit. The other revisions constitute the MCU assembled on other evaluation boards (CPU board).

    Figure 7Selecting workspace revision

  • 3. For the build, right-click the cm0plus – starter_kit and select Rebuild All.

    Figure 8Rebuilding workspace revision

  • 4. The rebuild process starts. Check for errors and warnings in the Build log.

    Figure 9Checking build status in build log

  • 5. To load the program to the FLASH region of CM0+ core, click the green Download and Debug icon.

    Figure 10Downloading and debugging

  • 6. Now, click the Go icon to start execution.


    You can also use the function keys in the Debug window: Go (F5), F10 (Step Over), F11 (Step into), Ctrl+D (Download and Debug).

    Figure 11Debugging with CM0+ core

    LED1 should start blinking

    Figure 12Blinking LED1

2.3.2Debugging with single core CM4 workspace

  • 1. Start IAR EWARM and open the SDL template workspace file: tviibe1m\tools\iar\flash\tviibe1m_flash_cm4_mc_template

    Figure 13Selecting CM4 single core template

  • 2. Select the workspace revision starter_kit from drop-down list under Workspace, as shown in Figure 14.

    Figure 14Selecting workspace revision

  • 3. For the build, right-click the cm4 – starter_kit and select Rebuild All.

    Figure 15Rebuilding workspace revision

  • 4. The rebuild process starts. Check for errors and warnings in the Build log.

    Figure 16Checking build status in build log

  • 5. To load the program to the FLASH region of CM4 core, click the green Download and Debug icon.

    Figure 17Downloading and debugging

  • 6. Now, click the Go icon to start execution.

    Figure 18Debugging with CM4+ core

    LED4 should start blinking

    Figure 19Blinking LED4

2.3.3Debugging with dual core CM0+ and CM4 workspace

  • 1. Start IAR EWARM and open the SDL template workspace file: tviibe1m\tools\iar\flash\tviibe1m_flash_cm0plus_cm4_template

    Figure 20Selecting CM00+ and CM4 dual core template

  • 2. Select the workspace revision starter_kit from drop-down list under Workspace, as shown in Figure 21.

    Figure 21Selecting workspace revision

  • 3. For the build, right-click the cm0plus – starter_kit and select Rebuild All.

    Figure 22Rebuilding workspace revision

  • 4. The rebuild process starts. Check for errors and warnings in the Build log.

    Figure 23Checking build status in build log

  • 5. To load the program to the FLASH region of CM0+ and CM4 cores, click the green Download and Debug icon. This will automatically open the CM4 multicore client workspace, and the corresponding code will be downloaded into the FLASH region of respective cores.

    Figure 24Downloading and debugging

  • 6. Place a break point in the SystemInit()API in the CM4 core workspace. CM4 core will start executing after being enabled by CM0+ core. You can debug both cores simultaneously.

    Figure 25Dual cores debug windows

  • 7. Now, click the Go icon in the CM0+ workspace to start execution. After executing Cy_SysEnableApplCore(), CM4 core will be enabled and the execution will reach the breakpoint in the CM4 workspace. You can now continue to debug the code from CM4 core.

    Figure 26Debugging with CM0+ and CM4 cores

    LED1 and LED4 should start blinking once both the cores are running.

    Figure 27Blinking LED1 and LED4


This section explains possible issues and the workarounds.

3.1Connection troubleshooting

Error: Starter kit is not detected on the target system.

  • Connect the USB cable that comes with the Starter kit. Other USB cables may not connect data lines.

  • Make sure LED3 is ON (CMSIS-DAP mode). If not, press SW3 to change the KitProg3 device mode.

  • Make sure jumper R11 is closed.

3.2Driver troubleshooting

Error: Driver is not detected on the target system or “KitProg3” is not visible.

For more information on the supported driver, see the KitProg3 user guide [1]

3.3Debugger troubleshooting

Error: While programming Traveo II device, CMSIS-DAP device is not found.

Check the USB cable connection and the state of LED3 (LED should be ON for CMSIS-DAP mode)

3.4Key points

  • CM0+ core should be running while debugging with CM4 in single core mode. CM0+ core enables the CM4 core by calling the Cy_SysEnableApplCore() API.

  • CM4 core workspace (tviibe1m_flash_cm4_mc_template) should be built before building the dual core workspace (tviibe1m_flash_cm0plus_cm4_template).


Terms Description
CM0+ Arm-Cortex-M0 plus
CM4 Arm-Cortex-M4
SDL Sample Driver Library
SK Starter Kit
USB Universal Serial Bus
EWARM Embedded Workbench for Arm
C-SPY High Level Debugger Language for Embedded system


[1] KitProg3 User Guide

[2] Traveo II Starter Kit User Guide

Revision history

Document version Date of release Description of changes
** 2021-04-08 Initial release